Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Age Limit For Drinking

In America, people can drive when they turn sixteen, a good five years before ever drinking alcohol. This is wise because it gives young people a chance to learn how to drive and be responsible before ever throwing alcohol into the equation. By having the drinking age as 21, America can avoid accidents that occur with drunk people behind the wheel. Also, DUI's are a huge problem in today's society, which can be avoided by the drivers learning the effects of alcohol on the brain.

Statistics show that the brain is not fully developed until the age of about 22. Based on this, it makes sense that the drinking age should begin after the brain is developed. Drinking beforehand might cause severe and permanent damage to the brain if a lot of alcohol is consumed. While there is still a danger of damaging the brain while drinking, it is not as great as if it wasn't fully developed.

Waiting to drink has almost always been considered a smart choice. People avoid accidents, don't damage their brain, and stop themselves from doing stupid things they might come to regret in the future. By waiting, a person can see the outcomes and effects of people consuming alcohol around them. Alcohol dulls the senses and makes the drinker almost numb to the events occurring around them. By learning the discipline to control the amount people drink and when they drink, they can stay healthy and stay alert.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Interviews About Gay Marrage

This first one is with President Obama and ABC News and it is for gay marriage:

This one is with Kirk Cameron and CNN and it is against gay marriage:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Gay Marriage

"Are we not the same underneath our skin? Do we not drink what you drink? Do we not eat what you eat? Do we not breathe the air you breathe? Do we not love the way you love?" (-unknown) The quote above was said about the controversial topic of gay marriage. The origin of the quote is unknown, but it is obvious the person believes very strongly in legalizing gay marriage. The arguments they make are based on the fact that they are all human. It doesn't matter if someone gravitates towards men or women, they are still human.

"Ignorance is bliss." (-Thomas Gray) The topic of gay marriage has been debated and dismissed for years now. The reason behind this are people's inability to change. Some people are so accustomed to their routines or their lives, and they believe that by changing their lives will be worse. What these people don't realize is that by refusing to change can impact a family of homosexuals. It's not fair to others to not want to change for the greater good. The quote by the famous poet, Thomas Gray is from the poem, "Ode to a Distant Prospect of Eton College."

In today's society, more and more people are becoming openly gay. It is also known that most of these people are often ridiculed for being different. It is possible, that if gay marriage is acknowledged and legalized, some of this ridicule could be stopped. The fact that being gay is not considered "right" is the basis behind all teasing and harassments, and if being gay becomes publicly recognized as being "okay", they will have no grounds to tease them on. Although this is not necessarily valid for all of the people that choose to ridicule homosexuals, legalizing gay marriage would put a stop to most offenders.

Cons for Gay Marriage
- The Bible says it is a sin.
- How to explain their relationship to the children.

“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” Corinthians 6:9-10 Bible English Standard Version. This quote from the Bible says that those who practice homosexuality will not be permitted into the kingdom of god also known as heaven. “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” Leviticus 18:22 Bible King James Version.This part of the Bible states that a man can not act the same way as with another woman for it is an abomination for a man to act like this.
When someone is in a relationship with another one of his or her gender they will most likely adopt a child because they can not naturally conceive children. The child will then grow up in this household and be used to this kind of relationship. When the child is then older and starts hanging out with his or her friends they will notice that there is something wrong with the relationship between their parents. The parents will then have to explain why they adopted the child and what their relationship is.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

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Monday, November 4, 2013

Are We Mere Animals?

Are we mere animals?
Even though we have evolved are we still just animals or are we more?
I think that we are more but also less since we can adapt more than all other animals have but we still destroy each other to gain lands and wealth. You may say that animals do the same for land but in fact they do not kill they simply duel to show that one is stronger. So again are we animals? Yes, we are but we have adapted in ways other animals have not. Since we are "smarter" should we use our adaptability to destroy more like the crazy animal that we sometimes are or should we learn not to destroy each other and strive by bringing us further than our fellow animals. We should show that we are smart and learn to live in peace without war.

When other humans fall do we feel happy or do we mourn them?
 Most times we mourn our fallen but unlike other animals sometimes we are joyous when people die since we wanted them to die. All other animals honor their dead even when they were bad because they can remember when that animal was good to them even if only one time. In this case animals are better than us so it stands 1:0 for the animals.

Why do we go corrupt?
We go corrupt because of our greed for money and land. We are not born evil but we are made evil by our actions and the influences that others give us. Think of it like this "a boy gets bullied all the time by a group of people, then when that boy is a adult and he has power he will most likely bully them back but by then his hatred might want them to die and he will do something that he later on does not want to do." I have a question for you: if I were to ask you if you would steal food or work hard for it if you were poor now you would say that you would work for it but if you were in that situation 9 out of 10 people would steal the food since they think that one little thing won't be missed, but if everyone in the world were to steal one thing how much would be missing? If this were an animal it would go out and find something if it had to but it wouldn't since most animals work together to feed and they share what they have. So it's 2:0 for the animals.

So you must be getting tired of the animals beating us human so let's talk about adaptability. The ability to adapt is what helps animals and humans alike to survive, but who can do it better. We humans have adapted further than any animal, but can we also do it faster? If animals face a problem such as a huge body of water and they can't swim it would take thousands even millions of years for them to adapt gills and swim. But we humans in just a few years could adapt so that we could build a ship and go over. So now it is 2:1, but still the animals are ahead.

Although animals have certain ways of communicating, to our knowledge they haven't developed advancements that humans have. One of the most important advancement is our ability to read and write. With this ability, we can communicate to other humans without physically being there. As simple as leaving a note to confirm your whereabouts can be considered  more advanced than any animal communication. Yes, animals have ways of leaving "notes" for each other such as scratches in the dirt, but in the end finding ways of universal communication is more useful. Other than reading and writing, humans have developed other ways of communicating with multiple races and ethnicities, something that separate species of animals have not. Humans all speak different languages, but we have certain gestures and symbols that are recognized worldwide. For example, anyone would know what someone meant by smiling or frowning. By communication, it's safe to say animals are less evolved than we are, which ties the score 2:2.

Treatment of ones kind.
Humans have gotten better at this but they used to class people by religion and skin color, but have animals done this too. Runts are outcasts driven away by their own family and albinos are left to die because they would give away their family if something was hunting them and because they wouldn't survive anyway. In this we are tied so it is still 2:2 for the animals.

After all this who do you think is better? Animals or Humans? And are we just like animals in the end?