Monday, December 2, 2013


Many years ago, the U.N. voted to have sanctions be put on Iran to halt development of nuclear weapons. Today, those sanctions are in danger of being removed. Iran has a new leader and the government appears to be changing for the better, but appearances don't mean everything. Until further notice, these sanctions should remain. 

Giving Iran the chance to develop nuclear power could potentially cause the next world war. Once they develop nuclear power, researchers have said they are 90% closer to developing nuclear weapons. Once they have the weapons, one of their most likely courses of action will be to obliterate Israel, one of our strongest allies. Israel is also known as a holy place for multiple religions (such as Christianity, Muslim, and Jewish) and therefore should be protected. 

It is no secret that Iran is believed to be if not supplying, allowing terrorist organizations to develop and meet. These terrorist organizations pose a threat to nearly every country, including the United States. Imagine what they could do with nuclear weapons- destroy whole cities  and be nearly unstoppable. 

If we keep the sanctions on Iran, their government will continue to be forced to pay sums of money to the U. N. each year, and halt their nuclear development. This will benefit countries all around the world and save multiple lives. 

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